Who We Are

Potomac Partners DC (PPDC) is a boutique federal lobbying firm specializing in municipal government representation and federal appropriations.

There are over 12,000 federal lobbyists working in Washington, DC, with even more issues being brought before Congress and the Administration every day. what sets our clients apart from the rest are the investments we make in people and ideas, building relationships for our clients with federal policymakers through innovative policy solutions, and frequent in-person meetings.

Our clients know they can count on us to provide innovative strategic counsel and action plans that lead to real funding opportunities, policy changes, and lasting relationships with key decision-makers.

Our offices are located just blocks from the U.S. Capitol Building at:

700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Suite 320
Washington, DC 20003

If you are interested in learning more about our firm profile, our services, and our track record, please contact us here.